Senin, 15 Juli 2019

Rasputin Party Mansion

RedTube & Rasputin Party Mansion partnership to expand Phase 2.

ROC2 markers are standard ERC-20 Ethereum tokens
The technology of data storage and workflows in the blockchain has existed since the 1990s. Bitcoin was the first full implementation of the blockchain. Bitcoin was created in 2008 and released in 2009 with open source. This is a peer-to-peer digital asset and payment system with no single point of failure.

Previous attempts to create a digital currency system failed because digital transactions could be copied, allowing users to spend money more than once. Bitcoin solved the problem of double costs using the universal register of the blockchain and confirmation processes.

The blockchain offered Bitcoin a fixed set of mechanical rules so that transactions can be made between private users without intermediaries. As Bitcoin became more and more popular, other digital currencies quickly followed their own implementation of blockchains. Each new, successful implementation of the connected technology forced others to pay attention to it, causing an explosion of interest in the blockchain in various industries and applications.

ROC2 tokens can be exchanged for 3 months with full camera access to the Rasputin Party Mansion Phase2 project, which costs $ 150. ROC2 will also be redeemed for other services under the Rasputin Party Mansion Phase2 project. The sale of ROC2 tokens will be held within 9 months, planning and construction of the Phase2 building will begin 1-2 months after the start of ICO (depending on the sale of successful tokens), and construction will be broadcast live through our ICO website while ICO continues. The launch phase of the Rasputin Party Mansion is scheduled for 4 weeks after the successful closure of ICO

Not all blockchains are the same. Several current cryptocurrencies (also known as digital currencies) started with a bitcoin code base, and many use the same block chain. For example, bitcoin and lightcoin use the same binary format for the blockchain, but differ in cryptography and consensus approaches. Zcash is a cryptocurrency based on an earlier version of Bitcoin, but has made significant changes to support additional anonymity and confidentiality. Allowed blockchains such as Hyperledger, Chain, R3 Corda, and BigchainDB use the NoSQL core database to store the blockchain data. Allowed or private blockchains assign permissions to certain parties in the network to authenticate blockchain transactions through the access level. Although private blockchains do not require a consistent process, they are less destructive,

RasputinMansion This project is one of the points of competition for commercial value against fluctuations in cryptocurrency, especially in the development of intelligent contract systems under the auspices of ethereum. Some basic calculations about this project can be accurately calculated relative to the potential scale in the development of a project that actually has a commercial impact on capital owners. Considering its potential, few terms are more popular than blockchains. However, in order to understand its business applications, it is important to understand what a blockchain is, but also what it is not.

Blockchain is not just bitcoin. Originally associated with online currencies, blockchain is not just Bitcoin technology or just a sensation on the Internet. It is widely used in the industry and is used as a secure data network for many markets, including supply chains and food safety solutions.

ROC2 token utility
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Blockchain is more than a database. At a high level, blockchain is a protocol that describes how transactions are defined, connected, transmitted, and collected. Blocks to provide consensus on updating the data warehouse. Although the blockchain is not technically a database, many blockchain implementations use a key / value database as a data store, so data is encrypted as part of the system. Similarly, the science of permitted or private units works as a repository of operational data that is added to each stage of the transaction process.

See how blockchain technology actually works, and how it can be used as the basis of “digital truth” for online transactions, music sharing, cryptocurrency, and many others. RasputinMansion This project represents the development of a per capita system in comparison with the value of fluctuations in the blockchain, which have become increasingly sharp in recent years. The study says that now everyone can get a number of opportunities to achieve wealth in the presence of wireless blockchain technology and the development of increasingly fast cryptocurrency projects, especially in the field of cryptocurrency with ethereum smart contracts.

ROC2 that token is one of the manifestations and opportunities for all capital owners to invest large or private funds through an intelligent exchange system in an access-protected system. Banks can exchange parts of the blockchain with each other to track suspicious activity and track the flow of transactions. Allowed blockchains can be used to reorganize business processes, such as moving transactions from front to middle to back office, eliminating the need for data reconciliation. New uses include blockchains for trade finance, global payments, securities settlements, and commercial real estate.

The party mansion of the 1st stage is currently the beginning of our main goal, it is in a favorable position and paid dividends to the holders of ROC1 tokens. The growth of the project is limited by the size of modern large houses, so we decided to offer ROC2 to increase the capital needed to create something that is not found elsewhere in the entertainment industry for adults.

draft roadmap rasputinmansion
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Team and advisory structure
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Author of the article:
Bitcoinalk username : Cintashany01
Profile link :;u=1661845
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Telegram username : @TarjoeMax
ETH adress : 0x2b53a131742A8d2a03771C168267888D7ed5974f

Senin, 01 Juli 2019


IDLV - Keanggotaan Ekosistem Berbagai Aplikasi & Platform Internet.

Dalam ekosistem Pengiriman I, token IDLV adalah keanggotaan berbagai aplikasi dan platform internet. Manfaat keanggotaan adalah pengembalian uang tunai dan kemampuan untuk menerima token IDLV. Ada dua cara Anda dapat menerima token IDLV. 1) Anggota dapat memperoleh IDLV melalui aplikasi internet dan aktivitas konsumsi platform, dan 2) memperoleh IDLV dengan menonton iklan Banner. Dengan IDLV kumulatif, anggota dapat memperoleh pengembalian uang khusus. Token IDLV dapat digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi dan platform internet. Namun, kami pertama-tama fokus pada pengiriman premium dan layanan mobil. Yang pertama, kami akan berkonsentrasi pada layanan penjemputan sekolah premium, penjemputan di bandara, dan layanan wisata mobil kelas atas di Indonesia. Juga, kami akan menyediakan layanan pengiriman makanan pagi yang segar (terutama makanan bayi dan anak-anak), yang merupakan salah satu pasar potensial di Indonesia. Kami akan memiliki aliansi strategis dengan ANTERIN ( ) untuk menjalankan bisnis IDLV.

ANTERIN adalah perusahaan pemula yang menyediakan layanan pengiriman mobil dan sepeda motor premium di seluruh Indonesia. Pelanggan ANTERIN diberi IDLV karena menggunakan layanan ANTERIN. Selain itu, ada fungsi kedua penting dari token IDLV. Dengan penyebaran smartphone yang cepat, berbagi informasi pribadi dan kehidupan sehari-hari secara alami mengarah ke kehidupan kita.
Informasi yang terkonsentrasi di beberapa perusahaan diproses menjadi strategi penjualan melalui analisis Big Data dan AI (Kecerdasan Buatan), yang menciptakan nilai tambah dengan memaparkan produk-produk spesifik dan iklan khusus ke Internet.
Namun, dalam ekosistem Pengiriman I, pengguna (pengiklan) yang ingin menggunakan informasi input kami dapat membeli Token IDLV dan menjalankan iklan. Untuk konsumen yang berlangganan iklan, Token IDLV yang dibeli oleh pengguna (pengiklan) dihargai.

IDLV Keanggotaan Ekosistem Berbagai Aplikasi dan Platform Internet.
IDLV memaksimalkan manfaat pelanggan kami dengan menggabungkan teknologi blockchain dalam ekosistem pasar O2O yang berkembang pesat. Kami membayangkan ekonomi berbagi baru dengan pasar pengiriman O2O, di mana setiap individu dapat berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pengiriman dan mendapatkan dalam proses kebebasan untuk memilih, IDLV (Token Keanggotaan) diperoleh (ditambang) dengan menggunakan layanan Aplikasi platfrom dan juga dapat dibeli langsung dari pertukaran utama yang setelah Anda memiliki keanggotaan Aplikasi.

Kami membiarkan teknologi ini masuk ke dalam kehidupan kami, Memaksimalkan manfaat pelanggan kami dengan menggabungkan teknologi Fin-Tech dan teknologi rantai blok di pasar O2O Indonesia yang berkembang pesat.

Kami akan memiliki aliansi strategis dengan ANTERIN untuk menjalankan bisnis IDLV.
ANTERIN adalah perusahaan pemula yang menyediakan layanan pengiriman mobil dan sepeda motor premium di seluruh Indonesia.

Pelanggan ANTERIN diberi IDLV karena menggunakan layanan ANTERIN.

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Tujuan utama IDLV adalah menciptakan ekosistem ekonomi di mana hak-hak konsumen dihargai.
Dalam aplikasi atau platform Internet yang menggunakan IDLV sebagai keanggotaan; setiap konsumen dapat diberi token IDLV untuk kompensasi dan informasi pribadi seperti usia, jenis kelamin, latar belakang pendidikan, dan bahkan kegiatan di Internet.

Informasi individu dan kegiatan Internet digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan Internet berdasarkan kekuatan modal skala besar tanpa biaya untuk menghasilkan keuntungan.

Strategi pemasaran dan iklan, yang eksklusif untuk perusahaan Internet skala besar, juga tersedia di pedagang skala kecil.

Dalam ekosistem Pengiriman I, informasi terpusat untuk perusahaan besar didesentralisasi, lebih jauh, ekosistem bersama akan dibuat di mana semua kegiatan individu di Internet dapat dihargai.

Sebagai contoh, biarkan kami berpikir Anda menjadi anggota ANTERIN.

Kami pertama-tama akan mengkomersialkan IDLV dalam kemitraan dengan ANTERIN ( ), pasar pengiriman dan perusahaan solusi pembayaran komoditas online, yang merupakan inti dari pasar O2O Indonesia (Offline ke online) Indonesia. ANTERIN adalah perusahaan pemula yang menyediakan layanan pengiriman mobil dan sepeda motor premium di seluruh Indonesia.
  • Anda dihargai dengan IDLV untuk pendaftaran menjadi anggota.
  • Anda dihargai dengan IDLV karena membeli ANTERIN
  • layanan atau produk Anda dihargai dengan IDLV karena menonton iklan spanduk (Berbagai produk seperti restoran, apotek, dan kebutuhan sehari-hari di kediaman mereka.)
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IDLV Token Economy

IDLV adalah Token Keanggotaan “Anterin” yang melakukan layanan pengiriman makanan dan layanan panggilan mobil di Indonesia. IDLV (Token Keanggotaan) diperoleh (ditambang) dengan menggunakan layanan Anterin dan juga dapat dibeli langsung dari pertukaran rantai-blok. Setelah Anda memiliki Keanggotaan Anterin, Anda akan menikmati manfaat berikut.
  • Tergantung pada tingkat keanggotaan Anda, Anda akan diberikan berbagai manfaat seperti poin cash back dan voucher perjalanan. Selain layanan Anterin, cash-back point dapat digunakan untuk berbagai kegiatan konsumsi melalui pusat perbelanjaan Internet yang terhubung dengan Aplikasi Anterin.
  • Jika uang tunai untuk sementara kurang, Anda dapat menggunakan prabayar menggunakan keanggotaan sebagai jaminan.
  • Keanggotaan dapat ditransfer dan diperoleh secara bebas dari pertukaran rantai-blok, sehingga memiliki nilai transparan dibandingkan dengan keanggotaan umum.

Tujuan IDLV adalah untuk memaksimalkan kenyamanan pelanggannya dengan menggabungkan teknologi Fintech dan teknologi rantai blok di pasar O2O (Online to Offline) online yang tumbuh secara eksplosif di Indonesia.

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IDLV akan menjadi salah satu yang paling sukses dari jenisnya! Mereka memiliki visi dan tujuan yang hebat. Ide kompetisi tim, hasil yang sukses, kemitraan. Semua ini merupakan indikator bahwa proyek ini memiliki masa depan yang baik, proyek IDLV adalah tim yang baik dan kuat, dalam peta jalan yang dapat diprediksi dan transparan, pertumbuhan yang disepakati dan diproyeksikan dalam kampanye dan uang Anda diinvestasikan di sini, Layak untuk disetujui.

#IDLV #Delivery #IDLVToken #SharingEconomy #RideSharing

#Indonesia #GoJek #GRAB #Anterin #OjekOnline

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Bitcoinalk username : Cintashany01
Profile link :;u=1661845
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Telegram username : @TarjoeMax
ETH adress : 0x2b53a131742A8d2a03771C168267888D7ed5974f

Sabtu, 29 Juni 2019


FidelitySuite - new generation loyalty program based on the blockchain.

A new generation of Loyalty Systems based on the Blockchain. Suite is a platform where it is possible to collect points from obedient shops without having to have many cards and by which it is possible to accept objects, request gift cards from the main online services (Amazon, Playstation etc.), pay medical bills (health dentists national) or even request conversion of Fiat points and transfer them to their own bank account via wire transfer.
The loyalty market currently consists of 2.16 billion dollars that are not exploited and is expected to grow to 6.9 billion dollars by 2023.

Watch this video :

FidelitySuite is a platform where you can accumulate loyalty points from participating stores and hypermarkets (without the need to have many cards) and convert them into services or cash through SuiteCredit (SCT) and STK tokens.

STK is the official Suite crypto currency. Conversion of tokens will be possible into an exchange and the listing agreement is ongoing. In any case, it is possible to turn tokens into decentralized exchanges.

Main feature
The combination of STK tokens and SCT tokens will enable hybrid blockchain-based application systems in the real market: SCT stability for "loyalty points" and STK integrated into systems with special services and events dedicated to crypto investors and users.

The acquisition of infrastructure owned by The Suite, this project will ensure solid economic and business security and will soon enable the use and distribution of SCT in the real-life market.

It is possible for anyone with a crypto-based project to integrate their services in the Suite platform. Crypto spread will increase in daily use.

The Platform Suite will be full of innovative services and never offered on the fidelity card market. The simplicity of the design will support crypto discovery for new users and special service options for experienced users.

Our strength
This allows every user who has a loyalty card and commercial activities to continue to make a collection in a transparent and simple manner, thanks to the stability of the SCT tokens. Reliable systems accompanied by the spread of the cryptocurrency market throughout the world.

Monthly airdrop
To appreciate the loyalty of investors, STK holders and for the continued strengthening of The Suite in the global market, starting from the first company statement and with monthly frequency, SCT tokens will be distributed free to stores and to the platform. .

More services
Various services, goods, affiliate stores. The suite will revolutionize the concept of "loyalty rewards" in the loyalty card market, making it possible to request, by changing SCT, very useful services (such as insurance, medical care, gift cards, parking lots and many services for daily use).

This will work for:
Monthly distribution of a number of loans to the owner in proportion to the number of STKs that are owned and blocked on the platform.
Get VIP status to have access to exclusive discounts (up to 50%) in commercial businesses purchased from the Suite.
Discount for purchasing products / services on the platform.
iscounts for vacation home use offered by the Suite.
Free tickets for periodic extractions and also the opportunity to participate in VIP extraction.

In addition, users will be able to buy products / services even with other cryptocurrency, some of which will be automatically converted in STK through the API, increasing the way to use STK in this way. The percentage of STK will be burned with every purchase and extraction on the platform making ownership of tokens more exclusive and reducing supply.

Ticker : STK
Platform : Ethereum
Token type : SecuritySTO
Available for sale : 60,000,000 STK (60%)

Pre-sale price : 1 STK = 0.18 USD
ICO Price : 1 STK = 0.24 USD
Receive : ETH
Soft cap : 600,000 USD
Hard stamp : 12,000,000 USD
Pre-sale Time : 30 Mar 2019 - 29 June 2019
ICO Time : 30 June 2019 - 31 October 2019


Francesco Napoletano
CEO (one of the founders) & Developer
Graduated in computer science,
developer in a software company for 12 years.
Users of the main programming languages ​​(Java, Python, PHP, VB, JS, Delphi).
For more than 19 years in the trade and foreign exchange market.

Patrizia Amoruso
CFO & co-founder
Study in economics and law.
For more than 20 years the auditor of business processes and management control.

Simone Di Francia
CIO - Joint Founder Community Manager
Simone has been involved in the Blockchain field since 2013. He works for EthBits, creating a token model to start and manage various communities.

Roberto Bersezio
Law in Turin Courts, long experience in commercial and civil law.

Carlo Denaro
Security developers & experts
Passionate about technology, enthusiastic fans of the blockchain, developers of fullstack frontend, researchers and developers in the field of security

Cinzia Ronco
Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Turin with the address of planning
He then developed a great passion for photography and graphics.

Maria Sole Ferrero
Creative Director & web designer
Graduated in Advertising Communication at the European Design Institute and specialized in the same institute in Visual Merchandising

Stefania De Lucia
Web designer
Graduated from the European Institute of Advertising Communication Design and specialized in the International School of Comics in Web Design.
Attention to detail and attention in all of his works is very important and ensures that communication and ideas are made effective and always focus goals.

Jan Emil Christiansen
Community manager
Microsoft developer and sysadmin for 17 years. Maersk, IBM, insurance company.
I have joined several powerful blockchain teams to learn more about this exciting world.

Elijah Esposito
CEO of Crypto360 - Escrow
He embodied his most formative experience in the online trading pioneer company in Italy - Directa Sim.
A 15-year journey that made him involved in various fields of the company until he arrived at relations with the Institute. From 2014 he studied and found new stimuli in the world of cryptocurrency

Dario Moceri
Developer - CEO
Technical and strategic consultants with high experience in implementing, developing and managing blockchain oriented solutions.
Despite his young age, he has had the opportunity to confirm his professionalism by working with prestigious international companies.
This represents and coordinates the team in carrying out activities.

Jaber Ahmed
Community manager / social media manager
Enthusiast of Blockchain and Digital Assets, ICO Advisor, social media manager, marketing advisor. Experienced Community Manager. working with several blockchain projects as community managers
He has 3+ years of experience in cryptocurrency also managing sales of highly successful tokens in various regions.

Bharat Gandass
Influencer - Fintech
Expert technology advisors for startup especially in the Blockchain and Security fields. I got a Masters degree in MBA with 13+ years of rich industrial experience.
experience includes Linux systems and application programming that includes a variety of platforms, network security product development, architecture design, solution frameworks and Blockchain.

Florian Rézeau : Mentor & Representative at Faster Capital
Guillaume Micouin : ABC CEO
Quentin Herbrecht : Start-up Mentor & Representative at FasterCapital
Bryan Blaevoet : Marketing Directeur | ICO Advisor

For More Information Click Link Bellow:
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Author of the article:
Bitcoinalk username : Cintashany01
Profile link :;u=1661845
Facebook :
Twitter :
Telegram username : @TarjoeMax
ETH adress : 0x2b53a131742A8d2a03771C168267888D7ed5974f

Kamis, 27 Juni 2019


BTCCREDIT - Next Generation Decentralized Banking Ecosystem.

Blockchain is making history by shifting power from centralized entities into the hands of the consumers.
It has empowered people to manage their own assets without the intervention of any banks, brokers, or institutional monitors.
This is a welcome necessity since people risk too much today by allowing their crypto assets to be
controlled by a central entity. They don’t realize that it is not them but Wallets, Exchanges, & Lending Platforms that are controlling their assets. Hence, they have given up control of their identity, privacy, and money because they believe that they don’t have a choice. But not anymore. We aim to be the access point that provides people with this choice.
BtcCredit is an all-in-one decentralized wallet which gives you complete control of your Blockchain asset to Hold, Exchange, Lend, Borrow, Invest, and Stake.
This document outlines the design of a Decentralized Next-Gen Banking Ecosystem that is powered by decentralised multi-currency wallet, decentralised p2p lending, and decentralised p2p Exchange capabilities.

Market Analysis of P2P Lending
It is cited, that “According to Morgan Stanley, the market for Global Marketplace Lending may reach
$290bn. by 2020, with an expected Compound Annual Growth Rate of 51% from 2014 to 2020.”

Fixing the Lending Market
Today the inflation-adjusted interest rate in different countries varies based on the available liquidity. In high liquidity market, Europe, interest rates are between 0.5-5 %, in Russia 12-15 %, in India 12 % and in Brazil 32 %. This shows a clear inequality in the way access to the lending market is distributed across the world. We believe that this inequality between the borrowers should be flattened and huge market value can be created in the process, especially through opportunities of Arbitrage.
Banks charge 5-12% interest on loans and compensate you 0-1% for holding your assets with them. With the rise of crypto-currencies and Blockchain, you can now become your own banking institution.
BtcCredit makes this a reality for you. Not just this, you decide whom you want to lend your money to, on which interest rate, and it what mode. All of this is available thanks to Blockchain technology, on which the Wallet of BtcCredit relies on.

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How Does it Work?
As a lender, a user enters the system and funds his system generated Wallet with USDTs. The system creates a lending profile where his acceptable loan parameters are recorded. The lender's loan profile becomes a part of a “credit marketplace”.
As a borrower, the user enters the system with his system generated Bitcoin wallet. The bitcoin funds in the wallet form the collateral against the potential loan. The borrowing requirement also becomes a part of the “credit marketplace”.
A system internal logic automatically matches and suggests existing loans and borrowers. A borrower or lender can also manually select from a set of loan offerings or borrower's requirements.
Once a loan is selected, and both sides agree to the parameters on the book, a “handshake” is said to have taken place, which will result in a deployment of a smart contract on the Ethereum network. The borrower's wallet will be funded with the requested USDT and a schedule for repayment gets created.

P2P Crypto Exchange
This is the second primary feature of the platform where the aim is to provide users with an ecosystem
where they can directly exchange cryptocurrencies with each other in a decentralized p2p marketplace.
No third entity will be interfering with the functioning of this decentralized p2p marketplace as it will be directly controlled and maintained by a Blockchain backed software tech. Hence, the current intermediary-based market is disrupted by and all the requirements of human middlemen are done away with.

Operational Workflow
The system will be automatically able to connect the buyers with sellers based on the terms they prefer.
  • Lender logs into the system
  • Transfers funds to his/her Wallet
  • Posts a Sell Order
  • Sell Order goes live
  • Buyer checks out the range of available Sell Orders
  • Buyer and Seller Are Matched
  • Buyer and Seller negotiate the most optimum price
  • Buyer meets the demand and transfers the funds
  • Trade is completed
  • Seller receives funds in his/her Wallet

Token name: BTCC
Token Platform: Ethereum
Token amount for sale: 120,000,000
Preico token price: 1 BTCC = 0.05 USD
ICO token price: 0.1000 USD
ICO token supply: 40%

SOFT CAP: 2,500,000 USD
HARD CAP: 10,000,000 USD

Token Distribution



Q4 2018
P2P Crypto Loan System Launch
The journey begins with Borrow-Lending, a Peer-to-Peer Crypto Loans System Launch.
Smart Contract On Ethereum
LDT Tokens Contract, BTCC Tokens Contract.

Q1 2019
USDT Lending system Launch
Users Can Lend USDT which is backed by LDT
Tokens and Smart Contract
Getting Apps Available on Mobiles
Getting the Lending Platform Compatible with
Mobile Phones.
Acquiring Licences
Acquiring Crypto Wallet and Lending Licences
Crypto Wallet Launch
Crypto wallet Launch.

Q2 2019
BTCC Token Listing on our Lending System.
Now users can Lend Using BTCC Tokens and can use BTCC as collateral.
P2P Exchange Launch
Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrencies Exchange
Platform Launch.

Q3 2019
Staking Plan Launch
Staking plan launch for investor, who will be
benefited with interest on BTCC / BTC hold as
ALT Coins Lending and Colateral
Now users can Lend Using Alt Coins and can
use Alt Coins as collateral.

Q4 2019
Crowd-Funding Platform
Peer-to-Peer Crowd-Funding platform

Shrirang Muley
Kirankumar Kapure
Mayur Shrivastav

Advisory Team


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Author of the article:
Bitcoinalk username : Cintashany01
Profile link :;u=1661845
Facebook :
Twitter :
Telegram username : @TarjoeMax
ETH adress : 0x2b53a131742A8d2a03771C168267888D7ed5974f

Minggu, 23 Juni 2019


SESAME Token is a Blockchain Solution Based on AI for Restauratants and Customers.

Greetings Community, In this new post I will introduce about Sesame Token project,
and for more details let's just go to the following discussion.

Decentralized Food Social Network Supported by Blockchain
Sesame Token - is the Blockchain Ecosystem, which is architecturally designed to create a Global Food Delivery Marketplace that is socialized, collaboratively developed, using blockchain technology

Concept of development
the sesame token concept is an easily scaled feature-rich platform that complements the services provided by traditional financial, legal, insurance and logistics institutions, and expands and enhances their capabilities, providing a way for additional collaboration between traditional platforms and businesses.

Sesame tokens will provide peer-to-peer networks from related nodes based on the Etherchain blockchain. Each node stores a complete copy of the sesame sesame blockchain. These nodes are provided in personal architecture, as well as open blockchain structures to maximize protection against unauthorized data modifications.

Safe and comfortable
All transactions are guaranteed, accountable, and traceable. In addition, by using smart contracts, all buyers / sellers can negotiate agreements and receive timely payments to improve their cash flow cycle.

Waste food because it doesn't sell well at the end of the day; Often shed rather than sold at the end of the day with promotions.
Find out when restaurants open / close and don't know about new restaurants in your area or disruptions to normal services.
Wrong reviews where no one can verify or confirm, producing misleading information that creates unfair advantages for bad restaurant players.
It is difficult to fill tables or sell shipments on low traffic days that can affect basic income.
Low acceptance of cryptocurrency with many use cases that solve real life problems.
Inability to order at certain restaurants because they are outside the shipping area.


Allow restaurants to make transactions to sell food rather than throwing it away.
Real-time edited Data and Feedback Sharing Systems help keep restaurant information accurate and up-to-date.
A feedback system empowered by "Smart Contracts" ensures that only people who order can make real reviews to create an honest ecosystem.
"Last Minute" and "Today's End" offers - push notifications to call clients for food and food reservations. Reduce the reserve table and reduce surplus; promote discounts or offers to loyal followers.
The Sesame Token will allow millions of people to use and experience the application "supported by Blockchain" without technological complexity.

By integrating AI and ML into the ship shipping system, we provide an effective delivery mechanism to ensure that users can get their favorite favorite food on demand.

What is Sesame Token?
Blockchain technology is open-source
Sesame tokens provide food delivery services based on requests for clients through decentralized blockchain technology. As such, it has eliminated the need for third-party providers needed by conventional means of offering food services on demand. Sesame Token aims to create a platform not only for customers to access instant food delivery but for restaurants and couriers to make direct transactions.

Sesame tokens are a decentralized food network empowered by Blockchain and AI. This maximizes food utilization and reduces waste. It offers real-time search for excess food in restaurants, grocery stores & packaging foods and helps direct them to buyers at discounted prices.

Waste food because it doesn't sell it at the end of the day; often dumped rather than sold at the end of the day with a promotion.
Find out when restaurants open / close: and don't know about new restaurants in your area or disruptions to normal services.
Fake Reviews where no one can verify or validate, which leads to misleading information that creates unfair benefits for bad restaurant actors.
It is difficult to fill in a table or sell shipments on low traffic days / times that can affect bottom line earnings.
Low acceptance of cryptocurrency with several use cases that solve real problems.
Inability to order at certain restaurants because they are outside the shipping area.

Allows restaurants to make last minute transactions to sell food rather than throwing it away.
Facilitated Data Sharing and "Feedback System" in real-time help keep restaurant information accurate and updated.
The Feedback System empowered by "Smart Contracts" ensures that only people who order can make genuine reviews to create an honest ecosystem.

"Last Minute" and "End of Today" Offers - push notifications to call customers to order food and food. Reduce the reserve table and reduce leftovers; promote discounts or offers to loyal followers.
The Sesame Token will allow millions of people to use and experience the application "supported by Blockchain" without technological complexity.

By integrating AI and ML into the shipping system, we will provide an effective delivery mechanism to ensure users can get their favorite food from favorite restaurants on demand.

How does it work?
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1. Token Name: Sesame Token
2. Token symbol: SST
3. Standard token: ERC20
4. Total supply: 10,000,000,000

1. Starting: April 25, 2019
2. End date: May 20, 2019
3. The number of tokens for Pre-Sales: 1,500,000,000
4. Price of Tokens 1 SST - 0.001 USD
5. Pre-Sales Bonuses: + 20%
6. Received: BTC, ETH
7. Pre-Sales Soft Hats: $ 800,000 USD
8. Hard Stamp in Pre-Sales: $ 1,200,000

2018 Q1
Concept of development
Market research and competitive analysis

2018 Q2
Q2 Team Arrangement and Advisory Board
Business Model Development

2018 Q3
Application of smart contracts with solidity
Marketing strategy planning
Fundraising campaign

2018 Q4
Q4 Whitepaper's first official report
Release MVP - Desktop application

2019 Q1
Combine new members to the AllSesame team
Release MVP - Mobile application
Main strategic partnership

2019 Q2
Whitepaper, Pitch-deck and one-pager release
Pre-Sales and Pre-ICO
Segmentation and customer relations
Web platform development, Alpha release for feedback
Social Network Integration
Beta and Android Beta applications
Partnership with restaurants and cafes

2019 Q3
ICO Adjustment Q3
Release beta version of the Web platform
Launch of the Sesame Token advertising platform for third parties
Integration of AI and ML

2019 Q4
Launch of the AllSesame platform globally.
Vertical and horizontal scaling.
List of Sesame Tokens on the Centralized and Centralized Exchange

Meet our Experts

For more information you can follow the link below:
Website :
Whitepaper :
pitch deck for investors :
one page :
Facebook :
Twitter :
Linkedin :
Youtube :
Reddit :
Medium :
Instagram :
Bitcoin Talk Ann :
bitcointalk bounty link :
Telegram :
Telegram announcement :

Author of the article:
Bitcoinalk username : Cintashany01
Profile link :;u=1661845
Facebook :
Twitter :
Telegram username : @TarjoeMax
ETH adress : 0x2b53a131742A8d2a03771C168267888D7ed5974f

Jumat, 07 Juni 2019


Slothee - The World's first Business Networking mobile app on Blockchain.

Introducing Slothee project
Slothee is a modern enterprise networking platform that connects people with profound, profound business professionals across all sectors using the blockchain to communicate, thus ensuring privacy and security. data password. Slothee is a mobile application that helps you connect and develop your business network, mutually beneficial, profound and lasting.

Slothee is a modern enterprise networking platform that connects people with business professionals and veterans who are like-minded and profound in all areas. It is flawed to hear about data violations, privacy issues and user tracking in current social networking applications that make it hard for business professionals to trust. By helping them connect with people, enhance business presence, facilitate personal communication and deliver value with the help of blockchain technology.

A platform to connect businesses without having to worry about privacy issues.

Support businesses to grow by helping them connect with people, enhance business presence, facilitate personal communication and value transfer with the help of blockchain technology.

There has been a significant increase in the number of complaints against privacy violations, data theft and user tracking since the explosion of social media involvement. Currently, Slothee has used a technology stack similar to WhatsApp, where the sent data will be deleted from its server within a specified time after the data is sent to the corresponding recipient / intended. In the next build, Slothee plans to upgrade data security through switching to storage and decentralized data transmission. Slothee has discovered all possible options and found "blockchain" as the solution.

The innovation of blockchain considers authentication without storage as the subject of third-party service. The information structure in a blockchain is tied to it. Along these lines, information cannot be changed or deleted. The use of this technology on the SLOTHEE platform will restore hope and transparency in the marketing world of

SLOTHEE as a platform to link organizations without stressing security issues. SLOTHEE supports the development of organizations by helping them link with individuals, promoting business both far and near, encouraging private correspondence and value transfer with the support of innovation blockchain.

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The SLOTHEE platform helps to connect and likewise the development of business networks will benefit all stakeholders. As I explained the importance of blockchain technology for SLOTHEE previously, blockchain helps protect the data of users and customers through the use of advanced security measures.
Good user interface is another feature added by SLOTHEE to its platform. This is to ensure customers and users have experienced smooth transactions between members of the platform.
Other key features of the SLOTHEE platform include: BILLBOARD, CAFE and PROBATE LOBBY, all of which are an integral part of the SLOTHEE project development process.
SLOTHEE has developed a mobile application that will help users market their products and also complete their transactions. The application has a lot of benefits such as exchanging token, chatting with customers, and so on

Screenshot_20190501-151044 ~ 2.png

The SLOTHEE project has created its own token that will be used in the platform for easier marketing for users.

Code Name ; SLO
Supply Code ; 950,000,000SLO
Price Code ; $ 0.05
Min contribution ; $ 50
Accepted currency unit ; ETH, BTC, BCH or LTC
Pre-Sale ; May 10 - May 24, 2019
Crowd sold ; month July 25, 2019

53% is allocated to Sell token
20% is allocated to the group
10% is allocated to strategic partners
10% is allocated to advisers
5% is allocated to legal
2% is allocated for bonuses

Screenshot_20190501-151100 ~ 2.png

37% Allocated to customers Acquired
30% is allocated for integration
25% is allocated for product development
8% is allocated for operation

Screenshot_20190501-151204 ~ 2.png

Money from this ICO will be spent on fund development milestones. The increased amount will affect the rate at which the joint venture can expand in markets. The company believes that ICO can accelerate both deployments in the United States and globally. The next table illustrates the range of scales that can be achieved at different funding levels.

$ 4 million
Upgrade Beta to an official operating platform on all mobile devices

$ 9 million
Acquisition of organic customers in the US, Russia and the United Kingdom by establishing offices to reach customers in each geography

$ 13 million worth
Expanding organic customers in Europe, Canada, Australia, India, the Middle East and Southeast

$ 19 million
Use M & As to effectively increase revenue, profit and valuation

For more information you can follow the link below:
group :
channel :
bounty :

Author of the article:
Bitcoinalk username : Cintashany01
Profile link :;u=1661845
Facebook :
Twitter :
Telegram username : @TarjoeMax
ETH adress : 0x2b53a131742A8d2a03771C168267888D7ed5974f



This idea is particularly valid in computerized promoting. In the event that you don’t have your focusing on laser-centred, you will drain cash by publicizing to individuals who simply couldn’t care less. It won’t make any difference how clever your promotion duplicate is, the manner by which lovely your video is, the way wonderful your pictures are, or how flawless your presentation page is.

“What’s to come is in the chain; blockchain innovation that keeps everybody from duping!”

It is never again question that Blockchain is directly the most progressive advancements that are developing in the field of data innovation, that help to associate information (blocks)chronologically to have the option to shape an inalterable and discernible records of exchanges through the way toward keeping up a common record in a system on various hubs. Blockchaintechnologypossessa fundamental belief which lies in the foundation of a safe and inalterable circulated record framework.

As indicated by the specialized confirmation of cryptography, shared system correspondence, disseminated accord convention, shrewd contracts and other technologies,it gives space for numerous members to utilize the blockchain record framework as a reason for trust for various gathering exchanges, that help to dispose of the requirement for any extra confided in outsiders which takes into account minimal effort and low postpone data trade and exchange handling just as productive flow of computerized esteem.

BOW APP is a Blockchain application that guarantees the recognizability of extravagance items for people. The BOW SOFTWARE is a B2B stage for extravagance brands spent significant time in the administration of the inventory network. Eventually, we will probably guarantee the provenance of extravagance products. This capacity is valuable both for the buy of new items yet additionally for utilized items. We are presently observing huge development in the second-hand advertise.

The extravagance showcase is additionally influenced by this development, particularly through specific applications, for example, VideDressing, Vinted, and so forth. Related to this pattern, the fake market is radically creating too. This directly affects the economy of the extravagance division. In France, seizures of fakes have by a various of 45 in under 20 years, presently adding up to 8.9 million caught items. This market today speaks to a setback of almost 3 billion euros for France about extravagance products.

BOW reacts splendidly to this need, because of the improvement of a Blockchain altogether committed to the discernibility of extravagance items. Buyers will have the chance to check the provenance of any article through the Blockchain innovation, which is impenetrable to any adjustment. Organizations will almost certainly demonstrate the birthplace of their items by consoling the customer and exploiting the incorporated stage.

The Bow Token will enable us to fund the formation of The Bowtie stylist. The ICO will empower us to understand a task that as of now exists. The Bowtie Barber is a one of a kind tie, created in restricted version, painstakingly sewn by turn in France. This refined and amazing item will accomplish all the Bow Blockchain targets.

Points of interest of the Token
The BOW Token is the pillar of financing the movement of BOWtie-Barber. Without our speculators, the action of the organization couldn’t have begun. That is the reason we have a payment program to thank the holders of the BOW Token. The BOW Token has the qualification of offering profits to its proprietors. Truth be told, every year, the last will be compensated on the benefits of the organization.

This compensation will be determined 37 on a premise of 10% of the net yearly benefit conveyed relatively as indicated by the quantity of token possessed. Accordingly, the more tokens speculators have, the higher their compensation will be. The yearly compensation will be paid in Ethereum and attributed legitimately to the ERC-20 portfolio where the BOW tokens will be put away, subject to the ownership of the last more prominent than a half year.

Along these lines, the proprietors of the Token should store their BOW Tokens on an Ethereum ETC20 good wallet, for example, “MyEtherWallet” which they will hold the private key. The prearranged shrewd contract will at that point be in charge of making fixed date instalments. Moreover, we will allow a second offer of the net benefit of the organization in the repurchase of BOW token. Once repurchased, these tokens will be signed to diminish the number available for use and therefore increment its esteem.

The more our items and administrations are known, the more the organization will develop and the BOW will be esteemed.



Pre-ICO (12%) (3,000,000 BOW)
ICO (60%) (15,000,000 BOW)
Team (12%) (3,000,000 BOW)
Partnerships (5%) (1,250,000 BOW)
Reserves (4%) (1.000.000 BOW)
Advisors (3%) (750.000 BOW)
Bounty (2%) (500.000 BOW)
Airdrop (2%) (500.000 BOW)


IT/Research and Development ( 24%) ($ 1,440,000)
Infrastructure (23%) ($ 1,380,000)
Marketing (14%) ($ 840,000)
Team (12%) ($ 720,000)
Listing Exchange Platforms (8%) ($ 480,000)
Recruitment (6% ) ($ 360,000)
Partnerships (5%) ($ 300,000)
Reserves (4%) ($ 240,000)
Administration and Overhead (2%)
Legal (2%) ($ 120,000)


For more information you can follow the link below:
TELEGRAM Official :
TELEGRAM Channel :

Author of the article:
Bitcoinalk username : Cintashany01
Profile link :;u=1661845
Facebook :
Twitter :
Telegram username : @TarjoeMax
ETH adress : 0x2b53a131742A8d2a03771C168267888D7ed5974f

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